Wednesday, March 09, 2005

kick-boxing shrimp and the definition of bullshit

"But what is bullshit, exactly? By which I mean: What are its defining characteristics? What is its Platonic essence? How does bullshit differ from such precursors as humbug, poppycock, tommyrot, hooey, twaddle, balderdash, claptrap, palaver, hogwash, buncombe (or "bunk"), hokum, drivel, flapdoodle, bullpucky, and all the other pejoratives"?

Defining Bullshit;
A philosophy professor says it's a process, not a product.
-If you, or any of your fiends have ever wondered about such things, as I know I have -- I mean I often stay awake all night worrying about the Platonic essence of bullshit in all of its plethora of forms -- many of your answers can be found in this article.

As for the kick-boxing shrimp, I think there's not much I can say until you read the article. One thing I will comment on though -- there is no way that this:

could possibly have "the most brutal, attack of any predator".

3 little fish:

Blogger JT swam up to say...

Frankly I get the feeling the this "Professor" is full of bullshit, I mean c'mon anyone that can even ask what is the "Platonic essence" of bullshit needs a damn good hard smack across the head.

Clearly this guy has simply made an irrelevant study of a mildly profane, fairly trendy, word because he smells the $$$monay$$$
baby. I think its the academic pretension$ that rile me, why not ju$t admit he want$ $ome greenback$?

3:46 PM  
Blogger Carl V. Anderson swam up to say...

"If you, or any of your fiends"...damn! How did you know I had fiends?!?!?!

I personally think that we should campaign to bring "flapdoodle" back into the vocabulary.

One thing I love about Spongebob Squarepants is the euphimisms: "Barncle!", "Tarter Sauce!", and the like. (A fish and swearing reference...pretty good!)

6:49 PM  
Blogger Carl V. Anderson swam up to say...

For those perfect spellers, I meant: euphemism and barnacle and tartar.....

6:50 PM  

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